Gökova – Cnidus

Cnidus (Knidos, Cape Crio, Tropium Promontorium)
Cnidus is the last outpost of Gökova, a sharp promontory where the two gulfs, Ceramicos and Doris, meet. Cnidus used to have two harbours in the antiquity. The northern “triremes” harbour is shallow and has silted up. Today it is used by small local crafts only. The actual harbour to the south has poor holding ground due to seaweed and beware of the sunken mole extending at the east side of the harbour entrance. Very fierce winds can blow through this outpost of Anatolia and anchoring through the night is not recommended. Use the Palamut (bonito) Creek to the east, instead.




The Cape Cnidus lighthouse (N 360 41,2′ E 0270 21,8′) on a magnificent rock, as seen from due West.

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